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This is a Cat B - Circuit Points tournament (For Bojanala Closed 2025 qualification)

Total Prize Money R11 700

Reigning Champions
1. Thinus The Real Thanos Kruger
2. Nkazimulo Nkabinde
3. Siyanda Makhombe
4. Oageng Dikane
5. Aobakwe Diale
6. Ntanganedzeni Mphephu
7. Thabang TheSouthafricanRhino Mankga

Bojanala Olienpark's One For The Ages 2024 Big Pawns

Last update 20.04.2024 13:57:24, Creator/Last Upload: Warren Ahjum

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Starting rank

1Koorts, LukasRSA1586Chess Heroes
2Dikane, LeanoRSA1284St. Martins
3Xhalabile, LonwaboRSA1234Africa Knights Chess Academy
4Botha, Erasmus "The Hunter"RSA1232Growing Pawns
5Diphoko, PelonomiRSA1188Africa Knights Chess Academy
6Molefi, KgotsoRSA1146Africa Knights Chess Academy
7Sehularo, Taonga KgantshoRSA1113Unimates Chess Club
8Joubert, JeanrichRSA0Olienpark
9Bouwer, StefanRSA0
10Prinsloo, WuanRSA0