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NÖ - Jugendlandesmeisterschaft 2005 U10

Last update 14.03.2005 02:13:10, Creator/Last Upload:

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Starting rank

1Kainz JakobAUT1319U10Sk Zwettl, Noe
2Gradinariu DavidAUT1277U10Voest Krems
3Lehner ValentinAUT1233U10Sk Zwettl, Noe
4Schuh ManuelAUT1200U10Sk Zwettl, Noe
5Teufl FranziskaAUT1200U10Sk Zwettl, Noe
6Berger LisaAUT0U8Sieghartskirchen
7Berger TobiasAUT0U10
8Steiner RobertAUT0U10