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11. Internationales Seniorenschachturnier Ramsau am Dachstein

Last update 23.06.2013 13:50:19, Creator/Last Upload: NĂ–.-Schachverband

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Starting rank

1MKNickl Klaus Prof.AUT2069
2Hauthaler MarioAUT1983
3FMWaller HelmutAUT1977
4Nussbaumer JohannAUT1967
5Fasser WalterAUT1945
6Nehonsky HerbertAUT1941
7Walkner KarlAUT1789
8Krug JuergenGER1663
9Spitzl RobertAUT1661
10Eberdorfer WolfgangAUT1600
11Aziz SamirAUT1502
12Fauland Paulina Mag.AUT1148