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IX Campeonato Sudamericano Sub 20 año 2013_Absoluto

Last update 03.06.2013 03:41:02, Creator/Last Upload: cataman1962

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Starting rank list

1IMIermito SebastianARG2464
2IMRuiz C Joshua DCOL2370
3FMVazquez GuillermoPAR2353
4FMHenriquez Villagra CristobalCHI2352
5FMTorres Juan CamiloCOL2344
6FMCuellar DiegoPER2323
7FMLatorre MatiasPAR2254
8Caceres Recalde FernandoARG2204
9FMZavarce Oscar EnriqueVEN2200
10Quenallata LucianoARG2194
11Mendoza RodrigoBOL2148
12Gotz KlausBRA2095
13Ibanez Juan RodrigoURU2001
14Heinechen JohnPAR1838
15Zarate FernandohPAR1813
16Aguero Centurio Abel AlejandroPAR1652
17Heinechen JuanPAR1596
18Benitez Galeano AlejandroPAR0
19De Picciotto LucasARG1782
20Apuril JosePAR1961