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Last update 12.11.2013 01:49:37, Creator/Last Upload: FECODAZ

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Starting rank

1Martes Maira FernandaATL1671w
2Franco YolimaNS1619w
3Grisales Betancur LibiaBOG1605w
4Lezcano Reina IsabelARA1605w
5Becerra Fonseca CamilaCUN1552w
6Sepulveda Lyda MarcelaSAN1538w
7Berrio GinaBOL1516w
8Bautista Chiquillo LeidyCUN1488w
9Duque BlancaANT1472w
10Ruiz Luz AlbaSAN1393w
11Ceron Deisy AdrianaCAU0w
12Garcia LuciaVAL0w
13Munoz AlexandraVAL0w
14MĂșnera GarcĂ­a Lina MarcelaRIS0w
15Tocarruncho Ana EmmiliaBOY0w
16Yepez MaribelVAL0w