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Festival Nacional Ajedrez Escolar Sub-15 MASCULINO

Last update 24.11.2013 18:30:00, Creator/Last Upload: FECODAZ

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Starting rank

1Navarro Bustillo Ruben04408454BOL196619660
2Arismendi Polanco Efrain Stev04422899CAQ182818280
3Walteros Juan Diego04440579RIS175917590
4Ardila Perez Pedro Ferney04437799TOL000
5Avendano Leon Raul Camilo04430743CUN000
6Bohorquez Mahecha Juan Pablo04427327RIS000
7Castano Orrego Simon04446771RIS000
8Cuartas Ramirez Santiago04439848CAL000
9Florez Castro Estiven04434510QUI000
10Gonzalez Guzman Jesus David04441206TOL000
11Herrera C. Carlos Stiven04443551TOL000
12Molina Agudelo Juan Manuel04439902CAL000
13Moreno Bolanos Nicolas04430808RIS000
14Perez Lombana Kevin Esteban44246894424689TOL000
15Ramirez Cristian Camilo44412494441249CAL000
16Rengifo Jaramillo David04421647CAL000
17Tamayo Jesus David04441257RIS000