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Tancat MC del Guinardó

Last update 05.01.2014 14:17:08, Creator/Last Upload: Spanish Chess Federation (Licence 390)

Starting rank list of players

4Delisau Gil Oriol02242Sant Andreu
5Gurri Mancera Ferran02242Tordera
3Garcia-Castany Mussellas Gal·la02200SCC Sabadell
8Fernandez Aguilar Francisco02199SCC Sabadell
9Ruiz Font Elisabet02195Vilafranca
6Mas Recorda Pere02183Tordera
1Masferrer Niubo Enric02165Peona i Peo
7Saez Coma Alejandro02152Catalunya
2Moya Arau Carles02134Peona i Peo
10Jover Font Pau02128Peona i Peo