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IRT Open Apertura 2014 Liga Ajedrez de Bogota (Cod FIDE 90891)

Last update 20.01.2014 02:38:42, Creator/Last Upload: FECODAZ

Starting rank list of players

2Acuna Buitrago Camilo AndresBOG2092
1Arango SantiagoANT2055
3Dominguez Rincon MillerBOG2049
4Nieto Manuel Valerio WaldoBOG2035
6Manrique FernandoBOG2014
5Nieto Guillermo Luigui UbaldBOG1995
7Piraquive AlbertoCUN1954
8Paniagua DavidBOG1919
9Guerrero HernandoBOG1883
10Aguilar HernandoBOG1859