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SA Closed Chess Championship - A Section Women

Last update 24.01.2014 19:33:52, Creator/Last Upload: Hendrik du Toit

Starting rank list of players

11WIMFrick DeniseRSA1888
1WIMSolomons AnzelRSA1884
6WIMVan Zyl CharlizeRSA1808
8WFMJansen Van Rensburg MonicaRSA1802
7WFMDu Toit SuneRSA1747
9WFMVan Niekerk LaurenRSA1646
4Selkirk RebeccaRSA1643
3WCMFisher Michelle MRSA1634
2Govindasamy SeshniRSA1612
12Grobbelaar JacquiRSA1460
5Van Niekerk Robyn JulianRSA1459
10February Jesse NikkiRSA0