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First Saturday GM June 2014

Senast uppdaterad17.06.2014 21:31:23, Creator/Last Upload: Sahovski Savez Vojvodine

Korstabell efter 10 ronder

Plac. NamnRatingNation123456Poäng TB1  TB2  TB3 
GMAkesson Ralf2446SWE***½ 11 ½½ ½1 ½½ 1732,5030
IMWang Puchen2450NZL½ 0***1 0½ ½½ 11 ½5,525,001,51
GMBerczes David2481HUN0 ½0 1***1 0½ ½1 15,525,001,51
IMKislik Erik Andrew2336USA½ ½½ ½0 1***½ ½0 0422,0030
GMSeres Lajos2444HUN0 ½½ 0½ ½½ ½***½ ½419,7520
FMSean Winshand Cuhendi2379INA½ 00 ½0 01 1½ ½***418,2510

Tie Break1: Sonneborn-Berger-Tie-Break variable
Tie Break2: Koya Tie-Break
Tie Break3: Direct Encounter (The results Of the players In the same point group)