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41st Chess Olympiad 2014 Women

Last update 14.08.2014 17:15:32, Creator: Dipl.Ing.Heinz Herzog,Last Upload: IRMA UND WERNER STUBENVOLL

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Team-Composition without round-results

  29. Sweden (SWE / RtgAvg:2248 / TB1: 13 / TB2: 293,5) Captain: Bellon Lopez Juan Manuel
1GMCramling Pia2500SWE170003010112659
2WIMAgrest Inna2235SWE1708830291966
3WFMFrisk Ellinor2257SWE17084819,5112432
4Bengtsson Jessica1933SWE1711083372006
5WFMHorn Emilia2000SWE1705385261873