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Wiener Landesmeisterschaft 2015

Last update 20.09.2015 18:41:30, Creator/Last Upload: Wiener Schachverband (Eloreferat)

Starting rank list of players

6GMStanec Nikolaus1601776AUT2462SC Donaustadt
4IMSchreiner Peter1621645AUT2419Polizei Wien
7IMKilgus Georg1606212AUT2416SK Donau
2FMSchwarhofer Christopher1613952AUT2388tschaturanga
1IMAlvir Aco14400367AUT2355Nuschei Spezialdicht.Wien
8FMWukits Rene1605410AUT2321tschaturanga
10IMWeinzettl Ernst1600575AUT2297SK Donau
5IMKummer Helmut1601016AUT2292SC Donaustadt
9Matt Fabian1623303AUT2290tschaturanga
3IMGanaus Hannes1602454AUT2267SK Donau