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Torneo de Maestros - Campeonato Paraguayo Absoluto 2014

Last update 19.12.2014 16:10:41, Creator/Last Upload: cataman1962

Starting rank list of players

3GMBachmann Axel3700488PAR2628
2GMDelgado Ramirez Neuris3503631PAR2604
12GMFranco Ocampos Zenon2209381PAR2490
8GMCubas Jose Fernando3700267PAR2459
10FMLatorre Matias3701107PAR2312
6Almiron Antonio3701166PAR2255
1IMValiente Cristobal3700020PAR2233
7CMJodorcovsky Werjivker Paulo3700305PAR2203
9IMKropff Ricardo3700038PAR2174
11WFMVargas Gabriela3700860PAR2134
4Butti Enrique3700470PAR2071
5Curatola Clemente3700321PAR2068