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2015 youth championships of ESSTH-H - girls U12

Last update 28.12.2014 13:09:11, Creator/Last Upload: Chess Club Union

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Starting rank

1Kasimati Ioli-Niki25812726GRE1338
2Beradze Anastasia4278402GRE1230
3Pateraki Kleopatra4283392GRE1224
4Nikolaki Dimitria4295374GRE1205
5Pasoglou Nikoleta4265408GRE1117
6Batzoli Maria25810375GRE1024
7Kapia Maria Rafaela25813919GRE1015
8Tzartzi Petroula25811169GRE1010
9Kourkoudialou Maria25813960GRE1005
10Monachou Rosalia25814044GRE1005
11Zotou Maria25825690GRE1005
12Batsi Eleni25837532GRE1000
13Gouli Elisavet25827227GRE1000