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2014 African Youth Championship U16Open

Last update 27.12.2014 18:04:52, Creator/Last Upload: Bechir MESSAOUDI

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Starting rank list

1FMZayan Mohamed10609989EGY2241
2FMOuaret Abdelouhab7903944ALG2072
3Hbacha Achraf5506492TUN1973
4Nassr Ahmed7904860ALG1960
5Bensadi Lotfi7904576ALG1806
6CMDali Mohamed Souhaib5502446TUN1654
7Aloulou Mahmoud5504864TUN0
8Ben Brahem Aymen5504899TUN0
9Mimouna Issam5506280TUN0
10Lynch Justin14310120RSA1683
11Malambo Engelbert8707073ZAM0