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I Torneo de Ajedrez "Neoclassical Chess" Grupo B

Last update 09.05.2015 20:39:08, Creator/Last Upload: BLASCO DE LA CRUZ, Luis

Starting rank list of players

2FMLopez Del Alamo Antonio2227339ESP22210
3Barraza Caracuel Ignacio2204924ESP22200
1WFMRodrigo Yanguas Maria2281201ESP21840
5Fernandez De Bobadilla Gabrie24518107ESP21670
4CMFernandez De Bobadilla Jaime2230151ESP21060
7Perez De Aranda A. Leonardo I2225611ESP20940
6Marin Bellon Federico2260565ESP20740
8Lopez De Turiso Jose Angel2207680ESP20640