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IRT Final Nacional Sub-16 Femenino

Last update 05.05.2015 18:24:28, Creator/Last Upload: FECODAZ

Starting rank list of players

10WFMDominguez Laura Lucia4416848VAL2004
8WCMRosado Perez Maria Jose4408713BOL1912Mentes En Accion
2Argote Heredia Valentina4431022MET1827Club Torre 64
9Gomez Guardo Laura Melissa4408578BOL1768Talentos
3Henao Ortiz Carolina4434773ANT1747Club Ajedrez Los Titanes
1Toro Castaneda Elizabeht4429559ANT1739
5Velasquez Angie Gabriela4431057CUN1739
6Cardoso Jaidy Marcela4421426VAL1708
4Rincon Fuquen Angie Lizeth4433106BOY1528