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Kinderschachrallye Ost 2015 - U14 Turnier 1: SC Donaustadt

Last update 27.09.2015 21:37:35, Creator: HR. KAWEH KRISTOF,Last Upload: Wiener Schachverband (Eloreferat)

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Starting rank

1Beroev MikhailRUS1180Tschaturanga
2Zenginer KaanAUT1164Sc Donaustadt
3Georgiev DanielAUT1158Sz Favoriten
4Murali SaiadithyaAUT1110Sv Floridsdorf
5Stadlinger MatthiasAUT1081Sc Donaustadt
6Baharev MaxUKR1064Sk Ottakring
7Mitas LuisAUT1010Sc Donaustadt
8Böheim PaulAUT987Sc Pinggau-Friedberg
9Wickramasinghe NathanielAUT956Sc Donaustadt
10Lang MarvinAUT886Sv Bisamberg
11Gheorghe-Matijasevic KevinAUT881Sv Floridsdorf
12Stadlinger LukasAUT858Sc Donaustadt
13Shi WilliamAUT844Sk Ottakring
14Nowotny FlorianAUT800Sc Donaustadt
15Stadlinger LeaAUT800Sc Donaustadt
16Asaad HozanSYR0Sk Ottakring
17Cichocki StanislausAUT0Sk Ottakring
18Fuchs VinzentAUT0Sk Ottakring
19Kolak DavidAUT0
20Kolm NinoAUT0Sk Ottakring
21Michalkova Viktorie NelaCZE0Sk Caissa Trebic
22Wustinger JohannesAUT0