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2015 Courts Open Elite

Last update 20.07.2015 06:42:14, Creator/Last Upload: Fiji Chess Federation

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Starting rank

1CMPrasad Calvin11400072FIJ2061
2CMKumar Manoj11400064FIJ1983
3CMTerubea Ronald11400331FIJ1807
4CMArvind Goru11400188FIJ1699
5CMAdricula Noel A11400234FIJ1660
6Prasad Rudr11401095FIJ1605
7Fareed Menash11400528FIJ1587
8Taloga Russell11400765FIJ1562
9Prakash Prashil11400692FIJ1536
10Zhang James11400838FIJ1510
11Zhang Stanley11400846FIJ1441
12Sisarocivi Seru11400749FIJ1308
13Terubea Cydel11400455FIJ1302
14Bennion William11400978FIJ0