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V IRT AXCV de Xadrez Classico

Last update 28.07.2015 15:07:20, Creator/Last Upload: FERNANDO SA DE MELO

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Starting rank

1Bouwman Marcelo Wanderley2106752BRA22282228
2Rodrigues Da Silva Evandro2116286BRA21832183
3Soares Alberto Manoel Colares2136767BRA21722172
4Souza Marcos Valerio A.2104156BRA21102110
5Rocha Vitor Firmo De Souza2102951BRA21002100
6Lemos Doriedson2131579BRA20972097
7Oliveira Renato De Araujo2131617BRA20852085
8Araujo Sergio Murilo2117762BRA20832083
9Da Silva Tomaz Luiz Antonio2131420BRA20152015
10Pinheiro Davi Sales2125153BRA19991999
11De Oliveira Jefferson Pereira2174324BRA19531953
12Gomes Neto Nelson Justino2189550BRA19521952
13Dantas Francisco2133792BRA19451945
14Camara Jose Arruda2112345BRA19061906
15Jales Luiz Fabio Alves2170043BRA18471847
16Melo Fernando Antonio Albuque2123800BRA18281828
17De Moura George Nunes2177021BRA17841784
18Baltar Petrov Ferreira2131366BRA17691769
19Da Silva Antonio Dutra2131439BRA17681768
20Felix Dieggo Guerra2177056BRA17161716
21De Araujo Marco Antonio Sena2161753BRA16641664
22De Lima Ednaldo M. Vasconcelo2167735BRA16281628
23Vital Pablo Manoel Santana2174090BRA15061506
24Born Ary2116189BRA14691469