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116856 6th Sarkany-Aranytiz International Master Tournament IM-section

Last update 23.08.2015 15:11:15, Creator/Last Upload: Hungarian Chess-Federation licence 10

Starting rank list of players

6IMGalyas Miklos707244HUN2467
7IMMilanovic Slavisa921033MNE2407
8FMTrbojevic Mladen14505363CRO2381
1Ivekovic Bozidar14518848CRO2374
2IMJovanovic Dusan D928364SRB2373
10Ivekovic Zvonimir14511320CRO2330
5FMJuhasz Armin724270HUN2315
4FMLyell Mark402354ENG2313
3Zentai Peter735337HUN2248
9WIMGoczo Melinda711985HUN2230