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DAPRISA GAMES 2015 High School Boys

Die Seite wurde zuletzt aktualisiert am 27.09.2015 15:11:46, Ersteller/Letzter Upload: Phil Chess Society

Suche nach Spieler Suchen


1VARQUEZ Michael JohnPHI1839Davao Wisdom Academy
2DORIA JaymarPHI1798Southern Philippines Polytechnic Co
3VARQUEZ Norman JamesPHI1766Davao Wisdom Academy
4LAZO AndrianPHI1678Davao Central College
5GUEVARRA Darren JohnPHI1629Davao Central College
6ASTUDILLO AngeloPHI0International College Of St. Ignati
7BARDOQUILLO RodrigoPHI0Davao Jones Academy
8CADIZ John EdeardPHI0Monserrat Camp School Of Davao
9GAMAO WinfredPHI0Precious International School
10HAFALLA Daryl JohnPHI0Brokenshire College Of Toril
11JOBINA Rj BoyPHI0Philippine Nikkei Jin Kai Int'l Sch
12MASANEGRA Jyg DominiPHI0St. Patrick Math Science School
13PANGAN IvanPHI0Precious International School
14PECHON Janmil LenardPHI0Brokenshire College Of Toril
15PIELAGO GeoffreyPHI0Southern Philippines Polytechnic Co
16RANNELO Jayson Jr.PHI0Davao Jones Academy
17RONQUILLO Anthony PaulPHI0Monserrat Camp School Of Davao
18ROYANA Justin RayPHI0St. Patrick Math Science School
19SABANG Michael JoelPHI0International College Of St. Ignati
20TANAWAN Deowil KloydPHI0Philippine Nikkei Jin Kai Int'l Sch