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2015 NATIONAL CHESS CHAMPIONSHIP (Battle of the Grandmasters Women's Division)

Last update 05.11.2015 02:51:37, Creator/Last Upload: Philippines Chess Federation

Starting rank list of players

8WNMBERNALES Christy Lamiel5204534PHI0
2WNMENRIQUEZ Jean Karen5207045PHI0
1WIMFRONDA Jan Jodilyn5204585PHI0
5LOZANO Arvie5218403PHI0
7MEMBRERE Brena Mae5205107PHI0
10WFMMENDOZA Shania Mae5211158PHI0
6PINEDA Judith5205174PHI0
9WFMSAN DIEGO Marie Antoinette5205204PHI0
4WIMSUEDE Mikee Charlene5208920PHI0