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South African Junior Championships 2015 Wild Card (U20 Boys)

Last update 10.01.2016 16:17:34, Creator/Last Upload: Gunther van der Bergh

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Starting rank

1Mamonyane Thabang196020346GE1755
2Matsaung Thapelo197021800LIM1602
3Buthelezi Ncedo196004002GE1574
4Abramowitz Sasha196000131WP1551
5Reddy Jivorn197031945KZN1479
6Du Toit Jandre196008212WP1424
7Galant Warren197010171WP1376
8Reddy Truwen197031963KZN1375
9Steenberg Stuart197036003WB1309
10Haai Austin197011575WB1300
11Jansen Lyle197013806WP1290
12Dorey Pierre197007600MEN1259
13Olehile Kanogelo197069418GJM1259
14Mqakamba Mihle197045040EBC1193
15Bell Andrew197001758WB1184
16Moosa Shamiel197050646WCU1148
17Rongwana Mayizukiswe197032465WP1111
18Joon Gavin197056369WB1059