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Ukraine Boys Under 14 Chess Championship 2016 (Vinnytsia)

Last update 15.04.2016 13:04:16, Creator/Last Upload: Nikolay Bodnar

Starting rank list of players

12FMShevchenko Kirill14129574UKR2439
9FMMatviishen Viktor14129850UKR2347
7Volotovsky Kirill14151634UKR2178
8Baidetskyi Valentin14142317UKR2167
2Levitskiy Andrey14132885UKR2041
10Galperin Platon14165414UKR2036
3Kyrychenko Maryan14137178UKR2026
6Sokolov Yehor14137470UKR1980
5Scherbak Yaroslav14141078UKR1958
1Gayun Dmytro14141434UKR1935
11Fomin Maxim14137771UKR1908
4Scherbina Dmitry14157012UKR1791