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SA Junior Closed Chess Championship 2016 U14G

Last update 30.03.2016 17:00:48, Creator/Last Upload: Karin Louw

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Starting rank

1WCMMoodley Karmishta14320525KZN1496
2WCMMarais Nina14306883RSA1495
3WFMOberholzer Imarie14306506GTP1477
4WFMEngelbrecht Hanri14306859GTP1400
5Shaw Laurie Ann14318784GJM1399
6WCMVan Der Walt Alida Berandina14309106NC1322
7Moffat MathaboNWP1291
8WCMClaassen Anke14317915WP1288
9Brugman Ilse14311992WP1288
10WFMGardiner Noa Saxon14309050GJM1262
11Hartley Charne14318741LCP1218
12Vuso Hlomisa14312859ENM1210
13Brugman Karla14312000WP1203
14Moodley Santham14318768KZN1192
15Saayman AnaisNWP1159
16Goncalves Dias A`mikaGTP1131
17Viljoen Anja14322102GTP1118
18Jonker KeolaGJM1088
19Van Der Walt Marelize14309165NC1077
20Bester Carla14318032GTP1074
21Michaels Carla Jesse14312557ENM1069
22Qangule Lithitha Qhayiya14311810EBC1062
23Eyberg ZoeWB1026
24Montgomery ElizabethWB903
25Dlamini NolwaziKZN897
26Wildschut AnnelineWB770