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Festival Escacs del 45 aniversari del Tres Peons 4

Last update 11.06.2016 15:10:18, Creator/Last Upload: Josep M. Jordan Garcia

Starting rank list of players

9Castro Lanzan Montse01692Espiga De Les Corts
6Porta Guiu Lourdes01677Catalunya C.E.
8Torralba Perez Antonio16711850Diagonal Mar Club Escacs
5Pascual Soro Antonio16631728Tres Peons C.E.
4Sanchez Diaz Lucas01649Comtal C.E.
7Moreno Rivilla Francisco01556Tres Peons C.E.
1Vidal Moll Francesc15421767Sant Cugat Club Escacs
10Perez Serrallonga Maxima15391679Catalunya C.E.
3Molina Taberner Jordi14351696Tres Peons C.E.
2Castellvell Diez Maria Nuria01238Catalunya C.E.