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Magistral 2016 ID CBX 3442 e ID FIDE 144838

Last update 24.10.2016 14:42:23, Creator/Last Upload: Clube Sul Mato-Grossense de Xadrez

Starting rank list of players

3Gazineu Neto Rubens2174685BRA1957Campo Grande/MS
5Farias Jose Nogueira De2111535BRA1928Campo Grande/MS
2Duailibi Ricardo Miguel2111489BRA1883Campo Grande/MS
4Fontoura Alexandre Souza2112400BRA1873Campo Grande/MS
1Roman Josemar Cespedes2165597BRA1847Corumba/MS
6Krajewki Albuquerque Eliseu WilliansBRA1800Campo Grande/MS