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Campeonato Continental Femenino de Ajedrez Colima 2016. Edición "M.N. José de Jesús Hernández Márquez, In Memoriam".

Last update 13.11.2016 00:15:48, Creator/Last Upload: IA Jorge Vega

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Starting rank

1WGMCori T. Deysi3801934PER2399w
2IMLujan Carolina109878ARG2386w
3WGMNemcova Katerina322750USA2379w
4WGMArribas Robaina Maritza3501418CUB2334w
5FMZhou Qiyu505161CAN2312wU16
6WIMLlaudy Pupo Lisandra3506487CUB2277w
7WGMAmura Claudia100536ARG2271w
8WGMMarrero Lopez Yaniet3503950CUB2249w
9WIMMartinez Ayelen118702ARG2238w
10WIMHernandez Moya Yuleisy3511685CUB2232w
11WIMRoca Rojas Ana Flavia3514269CUB2218wU20
12WIMEswaran Ashritha2080788USA2134wU16
13WGMFrometa Castillo Zirka3501434CUB2123wS50
14WGMHeredia Serrano Carla3603687ECU2103w
15WIMFuentes Godoy Lilia Ivonne5104130MEX2099wU18
16Nejanky Maisa111899ARG2073w
17WFMParkhurst Casas Miriam5116520MEX2013wU20
18WIMBesso Guadalupe123161ARG1987wU18
19Zarate Oyague Flor De Maria3819078PER1945w
20WCMSanchez Matias Nuria Ange5115574MEX1749wU20