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Hraðskákmót Hugins (S) 2016

Last update 08.11.2016 03:45:08, Creator/Last Upload: Icelandic Chess Federation

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Final Ranking crosstable after 14 Rounds

Rk.NameRtgFED1.Rd2.Rd3.Rd4.Rd5.Rd6.Rd7.Rd8.Rd9.Rd10.Rd11.Rd12.Rd13.Rd14.RdPts. TB1  TB2  TB3 
1GMGretarsson Hjorvar Steinn2604ISL 12b1 12w1 7w1 7b1 2b0 2w1 6w1 6b1 9b1 9w1 8w1 8b1 5b1 5w113119101,5109,00
2FMGretarsson Andri A2217ISL 19w1 19b1 13b1 13w1 1w1 1b0 4b1 4w1 8b0 8w1 3w1 3b0 6b0 6w11012310483,50
3Stefansson Vignir Vatnar2103ISL 20w1 20b1 10b1 10w1 4w1 4b0 8w0 8b0 13b1 13w1 2b0 2w1 14w1 14b1101109475,00
4Salama Omar2298ISL 5b1 5w½ 18w1 18b1 3b0 3w1 2w0 2b0 12b0 12w1 13w1 13b½ 8b1 8w191159969,50
5Birkisson Bardur Orn1666ISL 4w0 4b½ 26b1 26w1 21w1 21b1 7b½ 7w1 6b0 6w1 9w1 9b1 1w0 1b0911496,561,75
6FMRagnarsson Dagur2108ISL 17b1 17w1 14w1 14b1 8b0 8w1 1b0 1w0 5w1 5b0 7b½ 7w1 2w1 2b08,5124104,566,75
7Johannsson Orn Leo2098ISL 22b1 22w1 1b0 1w0 10w1 10b1 5w½ 5b0 18b1 18w½ 6w½ 6b0 16w1 16b18,511394,557,75
8IMJensson Einar Hjalti2327ISL 15w1 15b1 9b1 9w1 6w1 6b0 3b1 3w1 2w1 2b0 1b0 1w0 4w0 4b08130110,567,50
9Brynjarsson Helgi1951ISL 11w1 11b1 8w0 8b0 19b1 19w1 21b1 21w1 1w0 1b0 5b0 5w0 15b1 15w1811293,552,00
10Kolka Dawid1735ISL 16w1 16b1 3w0 3b0 7b0 7w0 25w1 25b1 11w1 11b0 19b1 19w1 12w½ 12b½810287,549,50
11Mai Alexander Oliver1480ISL 9b0 9w0 15b0 15w½ 20w½ 20b1 24w1 24b1 10b0 10w1 17b0 17w1 18w1 18b189178,547,75
12Birkisson Bjorn Holm1716ISL 1w0 1b0 22b½ 22w1 15w1 15b0 23b1 23w1 4w1 4b0 18w1 18b0 10b½ 10w½7,510788,548,75
13Vigfusson Vigfus1878ISL 27b1 27w1 2w0 2b0 17b0 17w1 14w1 14b1 3w0 3b0 4b0 4w½ 20w½ 20b1710490,541,00
14Fivelstad Jon Olav1758NOR 28b1 28w1 6b0 6w0 23w0 23b1 13b0 13w0 17w1 17b1 25w1 25b1 3b0 3w079177,534,50
15Mai Aron Thor1714ISL 8b0 8w0 11w1 11b½ 12b0 12w1 16w1 16b0 19b0 19w1 21b1 21w1 9w0 9b06,59985,543,00
16Lee Gudmundur Kristinn1687ISL 10b0 10w0 20b1 20w1 18w0 18b½ 15b0 15w1 21w1 21b0 22w1 22b1 7b0 7w06,5927838,00
17Karason Halldor Ingi1656ISL 6w0 6b0 28b1 28w1 13w1 13b0 18b0 18w½ 14b0 14w0 11w1 11b0 24b1 24w16,5897734,00
18Gudjonsson Sindri1872ISL 23w½ 23b1 4b0 4w0 16b1 16w½ 17w1 17b½ 7w0 7b½ 12b0 12w1 11b0 11w0610388,539,50
19Einarsson Oskar Long1663ISL 2b0 2w0 27w1 27b1 9w0 9b0 26b1 26w1 15w1 15b0 10w0 10b0 21b0 21w169278,528,00
20Ulfljotsson Jon1625ISL 3b0 3w0 16w0 16b0 11b½ 11w0 28w1 28b1 24b½ 24w1 23w½ 23b1 13b½ 13w069076,529,50
21Thorsson Pall1818ISL 25b1 25w½ 24w1 24b1 5b0 5w0 9w0 9b0 16b0 16w1 15w0 15b0 19w1 19b05,59076,528,25
22Finnsson Finnur1498ISL 7w0 7b0 12w½ 12b0 24b0 24w1 27w½ 27b1 23b0 23w1 16b0 16w0 26w½ 26b15,5816925,75
23Davidsson Stefan Orri1211ISL 18b½ 18w0 25w½ 25b1 14b1 14w0 12w0 12b0 22w1 22b0 20b½ 20w0 27w1 27b05,5806928,75
24Omarsson Kristofer1804ISL 26w1 26b0 21b0 21w0 22w1 22b0 11b0 11w0 20w½ 20b0 28b1 28w1 17w0 17b04,57967,520,00
25Sigfusson Ottar Orn Bergmann1034ISL 21w0 21b½ 23b½ 23w0 26w1 26b0 10b0 10w0 27w1 27b1 14b0 14w0 28w0 28b½4,57563,518,75
26Arnarson Smari0ISL 24b0 24w1 5w0 5b0 25b0 25w1 19w0 19b0 28b0 28w1 27b0 27w1 22b½ 22w04,57360,518,75
27Kristbergsson Bjorgvin1212ISL 13w0 13b0 19b0 19w0 28w1 28b0 22b½ 22w0 25b0 25w0 26w1 26b0 23b0 23w13,57362,516,25
28Sigurdsson Baldur Heidar0ISL 14w0 14b0 17w0 17b0 27b0 27w1 20b0 20w0 26w1 26b0 24w0 24b0 25b1 25w½3,57362,514,75

Tie Break1: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)
Tie Break2: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (variabel with parameter)
Tie Break3: Sonneborn-Berger-Tie-Break variable