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SCD - Blitzschach - Serie 2017 - Q3

Last update 22.03.2017 00:05:40, Creator/Last Upload: SCHWAB RENE (S.C.Donaustadt)

Starting rank list of players

5IMKummer Helmut1601016AUT2250
6NMHansen Kay Mag.1608207AUT2245
4MKHechl Gerald Mag.1605674AUT2199
1NMHolzer Gerhard1602039AUT2108
10Demircan Sükrü1637339AUT2064
11Krpo Sulejman1645650AUT1989
14Komarek Ludwig1616668AUT1924
13Hrobath Bernhard1637037AUT1895
12Braguine Victor Dr.3217779AUS1862
7Tombor Lukas1625349AUT1705
8Keintzel Raimund Mag.1645641AUT1646
9Rosol Alexander1645730AUT1623
2Krasa Peter Dr.1639927AUT1592
3Kellner Nikolaus1642065AUT1549