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Centurion Chess Club - Rapid 1 - 2017-03-15 Rated

Last update 22.03.2017 19:13:22, Creator/Last Upload: South African Chess Fed. (Licence 39)

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Starting rank list

1Salverda AntonRSA1633
2Jacobs ChristoRSA1546
3De Villiers Pieter-AndriesRSA1513
4Mitchell BrianRSA1509
5Muller DanielRSA1505
6Varden GeorgeRSA1258
7Prinsloo JohannesRSA1257
8Gstettner KarlRSA1230
9Ristic AndrejRSA1132
10Nieuwoudt HannoRSA1105
11Ristic MilosRSA1094
12Tennant KevinRSA1048
13Burger JankeRSA1024
14Steenkamp WesselRSA1013
15Kodde TasjaRSA990
16Nieuwoudt JancoRSA969
17Bodenstein JeanreRSA871
18Kodde AdrianRSA811
19Page-Shipp CamdinRSA800
20Kodde JessicaRSA756
21Goncalves AshleyRSA744
22Smith Jayden DouglasRSA613
23Muller LukeRSA591
24Gruenenfelder StiaanRSA523
25Nagy MichaelRSA502
26Kodde HendrikRSA500
27Steenkamp MurrayRSA500
28Gruenenfelder Werni0
29Smith Kayle JeanRSA0
30Smith Luhane MariRSA0