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SA Junior Closed Chess Championship 2017 (U10 Open)

Last update 11.04.2017 11:33:24, Creator/Last Upload: Michael Bornheim

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Starting rank

1Van Schaik MigaelRSA1355
2CMVather ShayurRSA1338
3CMKotze ChristiaanRSA1235
4CMBaruch LiamRSA1196
5Peter NeathanRSA1138
6Palmer ReeganRSA1118
7Senekal FrederickRSA1058
8Thakersee AkshayRSA1056
9Bester EthanRSA1047
10Fourie KeananRSA1041
11Koning LehanRSA958
12Liang Yi-Tao (anson)RSA933
13Malan HencoRSA931
14Burgers AdriaanRSA909
15Goliath KianRSA895
16Daniel IsaiahRSA890
17Potgieter EdwardRSA849
18Van Jaarsveld HeinuRSA813
19Ziegenhagen Vian LukeRSA804
20Jacobs JordanRSA792
21Dickinson JoeRSA776
22De Kock LeonRSA767
23Rooplal JasveerRSA760
24Coetzer QuinnRSA705
25Jordaan WianRSA691
26Collier NoahRSA688