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IRT Final Campeonato Nacional de Ajedrez Sub 18 Absoluto 2017

Last update 09.04.2017 22:35:37, Creator/Last Upload: FECODAZ

Starting rank list of players

6CMQuinonez Garcia Santiago4408497VAL2296
2Zapata Arbelaez Estiven4406311ANT2218Itagui
4CMTorres Cueto Jesus Marcial4415280BOL2105Soy Talento
7Munoz Juan David4412028VAL2077
5Oliveros Camilo4449576VAL2021
3Gallego Julian Andres4441192RIS1980Gm Alder Escobar
9CMArboleda Orozco Juan M4429478ANT1914
1Llano Buritica Eduardo4423151ANT1837Club Paul Keres
10Florez Castro Estiven4434510QUI1797Pensamiento Del Futuro
8Archbold Tilano Ralph Alfred4466934ATL1650