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 FIDE Grand Prix Series. Moscow 2017

Last update 21.05.2017 18:32:58, Creator/Last Upload: Chess Academy of Armenia

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Final Ranking crosstable after 9 Rounds

1GMDing Liren2773CHN 8b½ 18w1 9b1 6w½ 2b½ 3w½ 4b½ 5w½ 11b16
2GMMamedyarov Shakhriyar2772AZE 13w½ 11b½ 16w1 17b1 1w½ 8b½ 7w½ 6b½ 3w½5,5
3GMVachier-Lagrave Maxime2795FRA 16w½ 9b½ 11w½ 7b½ 17w1 1b½ 8w½ 12b½ 2b½5
GMNakamura Hikaru2786USA 18b½ 8w½ 12b½ 9w½ 5b½ 15w1 1w½ 7b½ 6w½5
GMGiri Anish2785NED 11w½ 16b½ 13w½ 14b½ 4w½ 12b½ 17w1 1b½ 7w½5
GMSvidler Peter2755RUS 12b½ 17w½ 10b1 1b½ 8w½ 7b½ 11w½ 2w½ 4b½5
GMGrischuk Alexander2750RUS 17b½ 12w½ 8b½ 3w½ 9b1 6w½ 2b½ 4w½ 5b½5
GMRadjabov Teimour2710AZE 1w½ 4b½ 7w½ 13b1 6b½ 2w½ 3b½ 11w½ 10b½5
GMHou Yifan2652CHN 15b1 3w½ 1w0 4b½ 7w0 17b½ 14w1 13w½ 18b15
10GMHarikrishna P.2750IND 14w½ 13b½ 6w0 18b½ 16w1 11b0 12w½ 15b1 8w½4,5
GMGelfand Boris2724ISR 5b½ 2w½ 3b½ 12w½ 15b½ 10w1 6b½ 8b½ 1w04,5
GMTomashevsky Evgeny2696RUS 6w½ 7b½ 4w½ 11b½ 14w½ 5w½ 10b½ 3w½ 16b½4,5
13GMVallejo Pons Francisco2710ESP 2b½ 10w½ 5b½ 8w0 18w½ 14b½ 16w½ 9b½ 15w½4
GMHammer Jon Ludvig2621NOR 10b½ 15w0 18b1 5w½ 12b½ 13w½ 9b0 16w½ 17b½4
15GMNepomniachtchi Ian2751RUS 9w0 14b1 17w0 16b1 11w½ 4b0 18b½ 10w0 13b½3,5
GMAdams Michael2747ENG 3b½ 5w½ 2b0 15w0 10b0 18w1 13b½ 14b½ 12w½3,5
GMSalem A.R. Saleh2633UAE 7w½ 6b½ 15b1 2w0 3b0 9w½ 5b0 18w½ 14w½3,5
18GMInarkiev Ernesto2727RUS 4w½ 1b0 14w0 10w½ 13b½ 16b0 15w½ 17b½ 9w02,5