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1er IRT San Justo (SF) - Semifinal Sub1700

Last update 26.06.2017 01:49:12, Creator/Last Upload: BrunoWerner

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Starting rank list

1Perez Raffo Martin Nicolas158666ARG1678Hernandarias
2Nardi Hector131318ARG1578Santa Fe
3Rosso Nazaret Delfina169633ARG1478San Justo
4Alzugaray Julian167851ARG1475Malabrigo
5Hevia Lautaro152897ARG1431Rafaela
6Hilgert Gonzalo161004ARG1430Rafaela
7Hevia Geronimo153010ARG1334Rafaela
8Albertengo Matias146536ARG1327Morteros
9Hernandez Daniel152889ARG1308Rafaela
10Acosta DiegoARG0San Justo
11Acuna MarianoARG0San Justo
12Albertengo Valentina160890ARG0Morteros
13Caglia GastónARG0San Justo
14Fernandez JoseARG0San Justo
15Soliz FacundoARG0San Justo
16Vera HernanARG0San Justo