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European Union Youth Championship - U12

Last update 27.08.2017 12:34:46, Creator/Last Upload: Czech Republic licence 34

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Starting rank list

1CMDardha DanielBEL2218
2Lutz RubenGER2007
3Jares MichalCZE1940
4WCMNadzamova ViktoriaSVK1927w
5Toncheva NadyaBUL1911w
6CMStalmach RichardCZE1889
7Bochnicka VladimirSVK1889
8CMPasti AronHUN1881
9Rybka SimonSVK1837
10Indriunas MatasLTU1829
11Brnusak TomasSVK1790
12Ochedzan TymonPOL1680
13Rejniak ZuzannaPOL1650w
14Obada EmaROU1636w
15CMKostov Deyan SamuilBUL1624
16Sevcikova LuciaSVK1606w
17Grunert WilhelmGER1582
18Kalina LenaGER1566w
19Lovcican TomasSVK1553
20Vanduyfhuys IgorBEL1530
21Sosovickova JanaSVK1505w
22Subjakova KristinaSVK1504w
23Stastna MartinaCZE1482w
24Vokoun TomasCZE1482
25Jordan FelixIRL1480
26Sustek AdamSVK1442
27Lukasik ZuzannaPOL1433w
28Costescu Mihnea-ConstantinROU1355
29Zumrik LukasSVK1346
30Tokarcik PatrikSVK1323
31Dudova PavlinaCZE1318w
32Szczotka MatyldaPOL1297w
33Paknyte ElzbietaLTU1269w
34Nespora TatanaCZE1154w
35Smirnova JekaterinaEST1149w
36Lappi AuroraFIN1126w