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XIII Obert d'Estiu La Lira 2010 - Grup A

Last update 01.08.2010 22:31:31, Creator/Last Upload: Frederic Corriguelas Armillas

Starting rank list of players

2Garcia i Riera Josep2095La Lira
1Blasco Coll Andreu2003Castelldefels
3De La Fuente Clemente Constantino1991La Lira
5González García Sergi1977Sant Martí
4Ramos Álvarez Máximo1973La Lira
6Rebull Camarasa Ramón1962Ateneu Colón
7Montalbán Colell Bernat1961Berguedà
8Martín Arranz Luís1948La Lira
10Romero Funieles Rafael1933La Lira
9Cuellar Grau Lluis1864U. G. A.