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Turneul International la sah ,,Memorialul V. Cebanenco” 2019

Last update 15.05.2019 13:47:08, Creator/Last Upload: CHESS FEDERATION OF MOLDOVA

Starting rank list of players

7GMJobava Baadur13601520GEO2618
1GMSmirin Ilia2801990ISR2605
10GMFedorov Alexei13500465BLR2566
6GMSvetushkin Dmitry13900463MDA2536
5GMHamitevici Vladimir13902393MDA2476
4IMMiron Lucian-Costin1210920ROU2472
9FMSchitco Ivan13905465MDA2437
2IMMacovei Andrei13904680MDA2432
3IMMorozov Nichita13900897MDA2371
8FMLashkin Jegor13907808MDA2313