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Final Campeonato Nacional de Ajedrez Sub-16 Masculino 2019

Last update 24.06.2019 19:27:20, Creator/Last Upload: Liga Caldense de Ajedrez

Starting rank list of players

7Alvarez Angel Nelson Eduardo4430468CAQ1921
1Londono Lopez Donaldo4462009RIS1896
10Parra Mesa Brayan4459423CUN1884
8Arciniegas Castro Santiago4433122SAN1881
6Caballero Marrugo David Jose4459091BOL1729
4CMTobar B Jorge Esteban4430646CAU1683
5Riscanevo Camilo Andres4469976VAL1671
3Valera Padilla Federico Jose4451724ATL1670
9Hincapie Uribe Eduardo4430557BOG1492
2Guarin Fonseca Nobel Alfredo4477731BOY1448