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Zonal Centro Sub 10 Absoluto

Last update 26.03.2011 23:24:58, Creator/Last Upload: FECODAZ

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Starting rank list

1Gomez Perez Jaidor S.MET19001900
2Padilla Daniel EduardoBOG18921892
3Corredor Castellanos CamiloBOY01691
4Gamboa Giraldo Juan EstebanBOG01467
5Luna Jaime EduardoBOG01407
6Ribero GuillermoBOG01358
7Lizarazo Sergio HernanCUN01293
8Bernal FelipeBOG01286
9Barbosa Angel JairBOG01200
10Bonilla Buitrago SantiagoBOG01200
11Lopez Espejo Angel DavidBOG01200
12Morcote AlexandroBOG01200