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Chess Masters Blansko 2019

Last update 29.09.2019 12:48:48, Creator/Last Upload: Czech Republic licence 63

Starting rank list of players

6GMPolak Tomas300560CZE2527
3IMKociscak Jiri322121CZE2499
4GMDiermair Andreas1612468AUT2479
8IMKraus Tomas331708CZE2473
7IMDruska Juraj14915650SVK2460
2GMLikavsky Tomas14900483SVK2423
9IMMenezes Christoph1617001AUT2423
10FMKostolansky Sebastian Lukas14950596SVK2418
1Vymazal Bronislav318396CZE2347
5FMDietmayer-Kraeutler Marco1612476AUT2345