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Tabriz chess rated Tournament 2011

Last update 18.04.2011 12:26:50, Creator/Last Upload: IA maghsoud giahy

Starting rank list of players

9Moghaddamian AIRI2229
1Asghari Badeki MehdiIRI1978
10Anjom Rooz MehdiIRI1883
4Karimipour MehdiIRI1849
11Hakaki Fard PedramIRI1813
8Jabbarzadeh DavoodIRI0
12Jeddi AliIRI0
5Karimi ManouchehrIRI0
7Mohammad Hosseini BizhanIRI0
2Mohebbi Rad YousefIRI0
3Seyed Tarrah SonaIRI0
6Shahraki Nezhad Mohammad EsmailIRI0