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PMCSB2020 5 ford

Last update 09.02.2020 22:25:30, Creator/Last Upload: Chessbill

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Starting rank list

1Virag Balint778206HUN2118
2Lukacs Janos706582HUN2096
3Cselotey Ivan702820HUN2085
4Molnar Gabor748846HUN1995
5Mazlo Attila748757HUN1838
6Cseloczki Gabor742325HUN1793
7Virag Sandor749206HUN1787
8Repiczki Tamas760064HUN1777
9David Bela742333HUN1743
10Szentgyorgyi Sandor738000HUN1739
11Thuroczy Zsolt741019HUN1705
12Antal GyHUN1660
13Guzsik Istvan734420HUN1658
14Labancz Janos748692HUN1645
15Maisztorovics Peter745847HUN1604
16Csiba Tibor Dr.770035HUN1554
17David Robert772810HUN1543
18Tolgyesi Tibor17000700HUN1491
19Juhasz Bela17009790HUN0
20Szasz Jozsef749125HUN0