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2nd Ribble FIDE Congress

Last update 27.03.2022 17:18:57, Creator/Last Upload: englishchessfederation

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Starting rank list

1Mcmenamin DannyENG1897Lancaster
2Barton ZacharyENG1865Crusaders Blackburn
3Seery Philip T343401473ENG1843
4Rothwell James P462756ENG1774
5AFMWinter Kevin421960ENG1694
6Lawrence-Cade JackENG1630Lewes
7Wolnik NikodemENG1626Lancaster
8De Santos Andrew448974ENG1546
9Foy Jeffrey343114160ENG1420
10Chatterjee DeeptoENG1345
11Wilson Jeff462055ENG1342
12Sun Meng343404650ENG1336
13Barnett Elliott499579ENG1329
14Hynes Thomas F452181ENG1302
15Kumar Ishan2408554SCO1252
16Torregrosa Sacha343404359ENG1225
17Ashton Alannah480681ENG1218
18Hijazi MulhamENG1016Manchester Social
19Braeken-Gray Sean2410117SCO0
20Hayne DouglasENG0Lancashire *
21Sherman DavidENG0Bury