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Copa Nova Odessa de Xadrez 2012

Last update 29.01.2012 21:55:07, Creator/Last Upload: Xadrez Regional

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Starting rank

1Casarin Luis Marcio P21415821940
2Brito Erick de Paula21122131853
3Silva Alexandre Freitas Souza21145421840
4Fujishima Edson21105041820
5Squincalha Pedro Guilherme21427591785
6De Assis Claudio Henrique J21035911783
7Cardoso Matheus Santos21199781738
8De Assis Henrique Zerbini J21036051735
9Petri Luiz Sergio Gervenka21416711682
10Pastana Rafael Pedroni21407561677
11Marino Felipe Gabriel21253821602
12Correia Vitor Paie21342331504
13Almeida Vitor0
14Coelho Marcio Roberto0
15Correia Jr. Moisés0
16Dias Sergio S0
17Mori Andrey da Silva0
18Soane Karen0
19de Sousa Francisco Ermelindo0