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Blitzturnier-Serie 2023/23 im Schachklub Ottakring Turnier 5

Last update 02.02.2023 21:26:52, Creator/Last Upload: HR. KAWEH KRISTOF

Starting rank list of players

5Mayrhuber Tobias1639692AUT207920191. Sk Ottakring
6Pecha Martin1635360AUT19641960
9Stinner David1677365AUT18901924Sc Polyglott L.S.
11Krejcar Walter1626043AUT16901716Sc Polyglott L.S.
3Reisinger Heinz DI.1613413AUT16761676Sk Hietzing
10Donath Jakob1680005AUT166101. Sk Ottakring
1Interholzinger Alexander1640062AUT15971518
2Bernard Alexander1684990AUT157516371. Sk Ottakring
4Taluk Emre1685457AUT14671524Sc Polyglott L.S.
8Lisowski DominikPOL0966
12Hannusch MahfoudAUT00
7Madl David1687778AUT00