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SVK Championship 2007 - GM tournament

Posledná aktualizácia 15.07.2007 16:31:36, Creator/Last Upload: Slovak Chess Federation

Konečné poradie po 9 kolách

Por.č.TMenoFEDEloKlubBody TB1  TB2  TB3 Rp
12GMMovsesian SergeiSVK2667Msk Martin7,529,8062706
28GMMarkos JanSVK2559Sk Slovan Bratislava6,526,5042611
31IMVavrak PeterSVK2428Sk Slovan Bratislava521,5022502
410IMPetrik TomasSVK2479Sk Modra517,5042497
53IMMeszaros MichalSVK2359Sk Hoffer Komarno418022424
65GMPlachetka JanSVK2412Sk Senica417,3012418
74IMHagarova ZuzanaSVK2389Kdv Kezmarok415,5022421
89GMManik MikulasSVK2457Sachovy Klub Sabinov3,514,5002376
96IMRigo ZsoltSVK2410Sk Hoffer Komarno310,3012336
107Pinter ErikSVK2402Sk Zentiva Hlohovec2,510,3012296

Tie Break1: Sonneborn-Berger-Tie-Break (With real points)
Tie Break2: Direct Encounter (The results Of the players In the same point group)
Tie Break3: The greater number Of victories