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Cup of the REGION Group of Companies Rapid

Last update 13.12.2022 20:35:29, Creator/Last Upload: alexander_bakh

Starting rank list of players

2GMGrischuk Alexander4126025RUS2759
1GMKarjakin Sergey14109603RUS2736
5GMArtemiev Vladislav24101605RUS2727
4GMInarkiev Ernesto4162722FID2678
6GMMalakhov Vladimir4120787FID2663
3GMTomashevsky Evgeny4147235RUS2628
7GMPopov Ivan4170350RUS2604
8GMSjugirov Sanan4189302RUS2584
9GMDreev Aleksey4100107RUS2565
10GMKhismatullin Denis4142578RUS2532