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Torneo Academia Sanducera de Ajedrez 2023

Last update 21.01.2023 02:37:44, Creator/Last Upload: Federacion Uruguaya de Ajedrez (1)

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Starting rank list

1Gonzalez Agustin3001229URU1939Paysandu
2Perroni Nicolas3001075URU1836Paysandu
3Nin Ignacio3017125URU1762Paysandu
4Zeballos Juan9002357URU1758Paysandu
5Pintos Maximiliano3007197URU1757Paysandu
6Tessadri Lucca3019993URU1623Paysandu
7Carabajal Juan3002560URU1598Paysandu
8Ponce Miranda Luca3010317URU1498Paysandu
9Caillabet Carlos3005801URU1340Paysandu
10Crosa Gonzalo9002356URU0Paysandu
11Cuevasanta Cristian0URU0Paysandu
12Fagundez Enzo3020010URU0Paysandu
13Garcia Lorena3019977URU0Paysandu
14Luberiaga Leonor3016609URU0Paysandu
15Nuñez Desia Carlos0URU0Paysandu
16Videverrigain Juan3019985URU0Paysandu
17Zanoniani Claudio0URU0Paysandu